Monday, September 2, 2024

1st & 15th Podcast "Sugar Lick" NEW EPISODE

1st & 15th Podcast "Sugar Lick" NEW EPISODE

"In this episode of the 1st & 15th, Kap and Phil chat about Kap’s concert experience where he found a way to enjoy half of Plant & Krauss all while not taking one photo or video for social media. They also delve into a world where adults dress like adults, people sleep well on feather pillows, and moist towelettes rule supreme. This one is dedicated to all the fat deer who feel judged." - Phil Kurut, co-host, show producer, not a skull guy.

To listen to this NEW EPISODE and to find out more about other exciting Kaplowitz Media. listening and/or watching opportunities, please visit this link: Audio/Video.

About the 1st & 15th Podcast: Twice a month (see show name for dates), Phil Kurut and I chat too long about nothing of consequence. A pure waste of time. Cool.

::: very :::