Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Visol Meru Dual Torch Cigar Lighter Accessory Review

Visol Meru Dual Torch Cigar Lighter Accessory Review

"Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work you can always hit them with it." Boris "The Blade" Yurinov, Snatch (2000).

This dual torch lighter has never not been reliable--but it has been somewhat fickle. I feel it needs bled more often than many others I own and also that it needs re-filled more often. But that's just anecdotal as I do not keep immaculate records of these things. Fine, I keep no records whatsoever. The good news is I find two torches one lighter to be tasteful.

Single torches are best for special ops re-touches and threes are for nuke and pave operations.

Apart from record logs, I also don't have a scale I use to weigh accessories but this thing is well-toward hefty. The ignition switch is front-facing to your front-face and it's not an awkward position. I thought it might be because it also juts out a tick. There's a little cap you flip up to uncover the business before lighting and I remember to do that somewhat more often than not.

I'd make the flippy thing bigger and put a little mirror in it so that you can see how cool you look when you light a smoke. Maybe use some Bluetooth magic and a camera? Auto upload to social media platforms? Sometimes it doesn't light on the first try so you might not want to upload automatically. Maybe some sort of upload delay with the option to kibosh.

I see that 'kybosh' is also an acceptable spelling. I might use that later. In any event, a decent lighter at a decent price. I bet Boris offered some deep savings too. There's also no fuel window in this thing to see how much fuel you don't have. I like it way more than I'm letting on but I also get unnerved when things go too smoothly.


::: very :::