Thursday, February 23, 2023

Fives and Threes not Sixes and Sevens | Hiatus Diary Entry 7/10

Fives and Threes not Sixes and Sevens | Hiatus Diary Entry 7/10


In British Pub club dominoes, the name of the game is either Fives and Threes or else you're all sixes and sevens. Fives and Threes is also the official game of Casa de Kaplowitz. What began as hanging out over a simple block game, led to Fives, and now here we are, Bob's your uncle. Almost daily, me and my kid play at least once to 61. I keep meaning to dig out the old Cribbage board for tallying purposes.

Cribbage is a convoluted if not complicated game. I'm a big fan of The Golden Girls. There's an episode wherein Sophia explains exactly why she likes to play (Gin?) Rummy with Dorothy. Why? Because they get to talk. Don't quote me on that as my off-the-cuff grip on GG canon isn't nearly on-par with that of Sherlock Holmes, but still...

Dominoes (I suppose like (Gin?) Rummy) are a hang. A reason to congregate and a focus to avoid awkwardness. 'We have gathered here today...' Not as serious as chess or as intense as checkers, nor as plain friggin' odd as backgammon or as stipulated as the aforementioned cribbage. Dominoes is perfect. I recommend you give it a shot.

I hear good things about Mahjong as well but there's comfort and something good for both soul and sanity in a 28-bone set of universally familiar double-six pips.

Kaplowitz Media. will return to its regular programming on March 1. 2023.

SMOKING: Diesel Atonement
READING: Billy Budd, Sailor by Herman Melville

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