Friday, February 24, 2023

Melville, Whitman, and Mouth-feel | Hiatus Diary Entry 8/10

Melville, Whitman, and Mouth-feel | Hiatus Diary Entry 8/10


I have much editing to do today. It's quite possibly needing done come tomorrow, and early tomorrow at that. I really can't say more. Loose lips, and all. I'll remain brief here as to that and fully report back in due time. I almost quit this entry there but, alas, didn't. I was recently-ish listening to the Word Matters podcast and heard this from the corner of my ear: "The mouth-feel of a sentence."

I've been reading Billy Budd, Sailor by Herman Melville and perhaps I'll delve more fully into the experience of that at a later date. The mouth-feel of it. Take two slices of sandwich bread, white and untoasted. Ball them up in a near-mad fist and jam the resulting thing in your gullet. Enjoy as it triumphantly expands the more you try to chew it into submission.

This is another trait Melville shares with Walt Whitman, alongside their birth year of 1819. Quite similar styles. Something like hopping a lazy train on a roundabout. Ultimately enjoyable once choked down (returning to the bread analogy).

Kaplowitz Media. will return to its regular programming on March 1. 2023.

SMOKING: Cavendish in a clay pipe.
READING: Billy Budd, Sailor by Herman Melville (last day, hopefully)

::: very :::