Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Hiatus Report | International Pipe Smoking Day Recapitulation

Hiatus Report | International Pipe Smoking Day Recapitulation (An afternoon with a bunch of SOBs)

Hello, my name is Kaplowitz. This is Kaplowitz Media. I am currently on my yearly scheduled hiatus from creating content for Kaplowitz Media. I am the only contributor to Kaplowitz Media. Therefore, Kaplowitz Media. is on hiatus. It is quite on-brand for me to post a thing or two during said yearly scheduled hiatus. There, we're all caught up.

International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) is the biggest day of the year for pipe smokers. Go to any cigar-smoking lounge on February 20th and perceive via perusal, the plethora of pipers present. Head-count usually runs two or three in total. I kid! I kid because I love. Remember, not long ago indeed, pipe shops carried a bit of cigars for sale now and again, as opposed to the current-day's reversal. All things are cyclical. My guess, the reasons of which will be saved for a later time, is that pipes and pipe tobacco will only be gaining popularity in the coming bit.

And where was I? Oh, yes. IPSD. February 20th also saw a scheduled Zoom meeting of the Seattle (and greater Puget Sound area) Baker Street Irregulars (BSI) scion group, the Sound of the Baskervilles. These SOBs failed at living up to their acronym to the unmitigated extent that they graciously allowed me to attend. It was a blast. A blast highlighted by one SOB, in particular, Rich Krisciunas, giving a fine presentation entitled "Who Really Killed Charles Augustus Milverton."

You see, a discussion of that ::: very ::: short story was the crux of our Zoom. Did I mention I had a lovely time? My only hope is I held my own after an unfortunate lapse of knowledge fresh out of the gate. You see, each meeting is begun with a toast to a man named Murray; the orderly who saved an injured Watson at the Battle of Maiwand. I was asked who he was prior--and I could not answer. But that is a main part of the fun--learning. That, and setting a low-bar for myself and the future expectations of me.

Shortly after and still now, I was and am well-on down the wonderful world of Sherlockian toasts and toasts in general. This is a thing I can almost promise will end in me writing some of my own. Keep a look-out here at Kaplowitz Media. for that. I'd imagine there'll be some for cigars & pipes, as well as for the great detective and his et al. I mean, who doesn't like a good toast? So who killed Milverton, in my opinion? Most likely it was Holmes. I won't get into it (much) here but as always, I beseech you to read the tale and tell for yourself--

after all and again, I did not even know who Murray was, for chrissakes. But for pipesakes and as to my personal IPSD, I finished-up the cigar I smoked while being a guest SOB and then lit an 'oily black clay' of my own, loaded with some easy Cavendish. Twice. Worthy of note is mine was actually colored (finished) black, while I believe Holmes' may probably well have been white turned black via prodigious usage. It's description a device of showing just that on the "disreputable" & "unsavory" thing, at the deft hands of his chronicler. (I've mentioned this before, I know.)

His chronicler, who begins his The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton by telling you plainly he is altering facts in the telling thereof. What a hoot! But who really knows who pulled the trigger? I do know I'll be back on March 1, posting (pulling the trigger) regularly and in much the same fashion as I was before my hiatus. The main difference being I'll be fresh as a daisy. I'll probably also pop-in a time or two before then.

Before I let you go, elsewhere in the pipe community, I heard chatter regarding 'pipe movies' that the watching of could be integrated into your IPSD festivities. Not mentioned was The Quiet Man. 1952. Ireland. John Wayne. Although I already watch that yearly on St. Paddy's Day. "Well, it's a nice, soft night, so I think I'll go and join me comrades and talk a little treason." - Barry Fitzgerald, as Michaleen.

::: very :::