Saturday, February 19, 2022

Hiatus Report | Prediction Installment

Hiatus Report | Prediction Installment (What's (Maybe) in Store for Kaplowitz Media.?)

Hello, my name is Kaplowitz. This is Kaplowitz Media. I am currently on my yearly scheduled hiatus from creating content for Kaplowitz Media. I am the only contributor to Kaplowitz Media. Therefore, Kaplowitz Media. is on hiatus. It is quite on-brand for me to post a thing or two during said yearly scheduled hiatus. There, we're all caught up.

I am also fresh off of listening to the Cigar Authority "Cigar Industry Prediction Show" 2/19/22 podcast episode. Good show. It got me thinking. Do you know what else is on-brand for me? Contemplating my navel; particularly when given extra time to do so. Sure, I'm working on 'other projects' during my hiatus but still--losta navel time.

All this got me thinking. Predictions. My belly button. What is the future of Kaplowitz Media.? The line of thought is obvious but I figure I'd point it out. So I cobbled together some possibilities as to what may happen. Please bear in mind I am no Nostradamus. I have no crystal ball. I, like Mongo, am only pawn in game of life. But these things might happen in the near/distant future at/with Kaplowitz Media. & my own self...

I finally get to the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Tradeshow. Imagine??? Rubbing shoulders with industry folk I've never met in person but have communicated with for years now. I understand it takes place in Las Vegas. Quite the hike, that. I do have my old single-speed bicycle in the garage though. I think it just needs air in its tires. I can easily procure a Hawaiian shirt... BIG MAYBE.

Kaplowitz Media. flips cigar industry press releases into blog posts. Or, at all covers cigar industry news. I've been guilty of both in the past. I don't see any harm in being a bit more topical and (sparingly) less 'evergreen' in terms of content. I'd look much more hip to the scene. Relevancy is key. Wanna hear about the newest line extension? Me either, usually. Hard to handicap this one.

I get back into podcasting in a BIG way. If you haven't noticed, I haven't podcasted in a good bit. Except for that I have inside of 1st & 15th with my co-host Phil Kurut. (Available everywhere podcasts are ignored.) My guess is I keep things the way they are. Again, tho--who's to say? DEFINITELY NOT I. Question: how does one become a regular guest on others' podcasts? I promise to mainly behave mostly.

I turn Kaplowitz Media. on its ear and it becomes a Sherlockian blog with mere cigar tendencies. I feel as though I feel I owe cigars too much for this to become a reality. Although I do love me some Sherlockiana and am looking forward to attending a Zoom meeting of a scion society. Hard to see my love of cigars diminishing, I'd guess this place remains a cigar blog with a (growing?) touch of Sherlock Holmes. Yup.

I go off the deep-end and full-on down the rabbit hole of premium tobacco geekery and the content here comes with me. Have you read this blog? My guess is to expect more of this. BUT IT'S ONLY A GUESS! I will say that I'm not just a leaf geek but also a history buff. Tobacciana slightly more proper? Probs.

Kaplowitz Media. shakes up its daily Monday-Friday posting schedule. I hate weekend posts. I feel we all need a break and that's why God and labor unions made weekends. But what about only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday posts? Hard to imagine that's the case but why would I even bring it up? Your guess is as good as mine. SHRUG. [This post was published on a Saturday.]

The Kaplowitz Media. Unnamed Cigar Dictionary goes to print. I mean, that's the plan but when? I'm at this point, looking at self-publishing, and have you seen the price of paper? I haven't even begun to look into the price of crayons. I speculate that you can expect more excerpts posted here until then. BUT THAT IS SPECULATION. Strong speculation.

I (& Kaplowitz Media.) abandon social media (again). Yawn. A non-prediction. I'll throw a fit at what I see as the cesspool of social media and be back three days later. This is such a strong prediction that I feel it almost happened already. Oh, it has. More than once. We shall see, but at the end of the day, FOLLOW ME AND CLICK LIKE. RETWEET! I hate me.

I stop blogging all-together and start (another) YouTube channel. lol nope. But again, WHO'S TO SAY? THESE ARE ONLY EDUCATED GUESSES.

I post occasional bits of original Sherlock Holmes pastiche/parody to Kaplowitz Media. What's pastiche/parody? Dunno. I also have no clue what poetry is. I'm confused by this prediction. Feeling cute. Might delete later.

In any event, no one really knows what the future holds, and isn't that one of the big truths that really makes life suck? I do know I'll be back on March 1, posting regularly and in much the same fashion as I was before my hiatus. The main difference being I'll be fresh as a daisy. I'll probably also pop-in a time or two before then.

::: very :::