Thursday, August 31, 2017

Shemptember Begins w/ Kapathon 2017

For a full and ever-growing index of Shemptember News & Events click HERE.
Shemptember is the month-long anniversary of Kaplowitz. (The project, not the person.)
'Tis the evening of Shemptember Eve as I excitedly type this up-on my Chromebook. And how do we kick-off Shemptember & its SPIRIT OF GIVING? Why, with KAPATHON 2017, of course! Up-on the four (4) hour Facebook Live video Kapathon 2017 completion, it shall be embedded below.

Beneath, humsoever, are links to where you can see it LIVE and DONATE.

Seeing as the video quality was low on the live stream, I decided to post the audio-only version be-low:

All donations go toward maintaining and enhancing and Kaplowitz Radio.