A common-enough approach to letter grades:
A+ 97–100
A 93–96
A- 90–92
B+ 87–89
B 83–86
B- 80–82
C+ 77–79
C 73–76
C- 70–72
I grade low. I find myself grading lower as time passes. I critically look for opportunities to ding. I rarely grade above an A-. Sometimes I think to myself 'strong A-,' but can only hope that is indicated to the reader in some sort of way. As of this writing, I feel an A+ would only be granted if the Good L-rd plainly told me to do so. I suppose an A would be given if an angel messenger of said Good L-rd said the same.
As to ranking (I do at times succumb to the masses requestings of such). Several factors factor into placing reviewed & rated/graded items in order of best to worst. Such as 'Is this a grade that would hold at any time of day, in any setting, and for every smoker?' There's more, but I am unsure of how exactly to relate this. 'I know when I know,' is a good enough cop-out. 'Trust me,' is a sleazier one but might be just as apt.
winter 2023
::: very :::