Monday, June 17, 2024

1st & 15th Podcast "8 Pounds" NEW EPISODE

1st & 15th Podcast "8 Pounds" NEW EPISODE

"In this episode of the 1st & 15th, Phil and Kap compare BJJ practitioners and CrossFitters, talk about superheroes, contemplate whether groin strikes can ever be ineffective, and discuss other things they seem to almost understand. Kap also tries almond butter and falls in love with his new sandals." - Phil Kurut, Show Producer, Co-Host, and Pro-peanut activist.

To listen to this NEW EPISODE and to find out more about other exciting Kaplowitz Media. listening and/or watching opportunities, please visit this link: Audio/Video.

About the 1st & 15th Podcast: Twice a month (see show name for dates), Phil Kurut and I chat too long about nothing of consequence. A pure waste of time. Cool.

::: very :::