Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Tell Me About Ms. Cheryl | A Kaplowitz Media. Original Work of Fiction [Part V]

Tell Me About Ms. Cheryl | A Kaplowitz Media. Original Work of Fiction [Part V]

[Part V]

And Sam was a good man.
A kind soul [who] yearned for peace.
Although [he was] never met with peace.

A good man: We are aware of his kindnesses both documented and alluded to. Not once have we known of him to have exhibited violence outside of his own mind and/or questionable view of reality. A man capable of a small life only, with no room for hatred outside of perhaps his own self. An uncluttered, good, yet severely limited man.

Against his own weakness, he FOUND strength,
And with love in his heart, he embarked on a journey.
And with guidance from above he arrived. Selah!

Strength: Only pure and real love could have given him this strength. [A strength] surely foreign to himself. But what is real love and can it work in one direction only? Who knows and apparently-so.

Through tunneling vision and
[through] dark of night He never recognized
A father HE never knew. [His own]

A father...: A young black man and a young white woman, in those times, was not a union always met with joy and their offspring often had it far worse than they. It is a debate whether or not the man who raised Sam was aware of not being his biological father. Also, little is known of what fate he truly met. What is known are tales of his evil behavior.

But what father sends his son into a demon’s path?
One who knows his son is full of goodness.
Sam murdered Cheryl’s husband as she looked on.

...full of goodness: See text for a partial list of goodnesses. Cheryl murdered her innocent husband, Sam looked on. Cheryl feigned her love for Sam to have him accept the punishment for her terrible crime. The Old Man needed Sam there even more than Cheryl thought she did and jumped at the chance to secure his presence. Why did he need [Sam] so well? We will see how sages are divided.

A Blazing sense of reality and dulled unreality.
People look at strange people strangely.
Cheryl turned on him as WAS her plan all along.

A Blazing sense of...: Sam’s mind was already broken but how clearly he saw certain people through the fog was how clearly they [in turn] saw him.

And she made of Sam [her] captive.
And she made of him again a false murderer.
Cheryl DeLorry was a demon of satan
And the only death for which Sam is responsible.

And she made...: But she too made herself a captive of the Old Man. The was no Dr. Jadot, of course. She alone held Sam prisoner and even as she thought the Old Man was aiding her in doing so, he was keeping Sam close and safe.

Note that: DeLorry is an anagram of 'orderly,' as an explanation of Sam’s mainly false experience in the facility. A bit of reality seeping through in jumbled form.

The [evil] man whom Sam knew as his father
Does not factor into this tale.

[And] Sam. And He ran. He ran until he stood over her
Yelling Mourner’s Kaddish–words for a ghost.
Handing [then] over the weapon to a wiry strong
Coal-faced cotton-haired man in rolled-up shirtsleeves.

...Mourner's...: Sam must have known in some way that he was hallucinating. His mother was already dead. a wiry strong...: Why must Sam have been there according to the mind of the Old Man? There are differing opinions. He wanted simply to see his son before this pivotal occurrence. He wanted Sam to understand how his mother had died, as Sam seems to have prior to all this had a weak grasp on reality. Perhaps it was something akin to ceremonial. It was once taught to be an extension of The Akeidah, but this teaching has fallen out of favor.

Thus Sam’s Father avenged the murder of Sam’s mother.
His one true love in life and across eternity.
And wandered the earth his remaining days [ALONE].

Interesting to note is that it was Cheryl who wanted to be imprisoned by the Old Man, whereas he just wanted revenge on her for killing his ‘wife’ Sam’s mother. This, after having given up on the murder ever being at all explained.

"Wife" (from the text) simply shows the degree of love he had for her and how he abstained from any other.

To come only to Sam’s mind once a year forevermore
And unknown as his Father and Upon the yahrzeit of his mother.
– True.

This passage is self-explanatory. 


Further and more recent teachings:

And what if, as some sages now teach, this is a tale begat of matricide, involving incest? (Not of the Old Man’s loins. And as stated the man who Sam knew to be his father is not a factor here.) Even if not the unspeakable case, perhaps it is best to answer in silence and blank gaze, the question Tell me about Ms. Cheryl. Also, best not to see what further teachings of Balaam and his donkey have to say.

Terrible deeds often have a way of becoming amplified through each telling. Evils heaped upon evils. Each new evil more magnificent. It is at times rather lazy.

Some also might wonder about a 'normal' child raised in a scenario in which she is forced by nature to be nurtured under the wings and alongside the influences of kinfolk suffering untold variations of insanities and illnesses. Dishing out abuses and hate. Learning how to cope and survive. How would a child born into such a scenario age into adulthood?

No mainstream teachers have as yet begun to attack this tale from that perspective, and it’s only most likely false; not a hill to die on by any means. Even teachers, especially teachers, have their own careers to worry about and protect. Again, certain questions need not be answered–which begs the question–why even ask?

Henceforth, I am [not] available for further questions.


::: very :::

You can find an index of all written and spoken installments of this now complete serialized fiction at the Kaplowitz Media. Original Fiction page HERE. (Plus other pieces of original fiction.)