Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hiatus Report | Welcome to Kaplowitz Media. Vol. 7 READ MORE

Welcome to Kaplowitz Media. Vol. 7 READ MORE

In periodical literature such as newspapers and magazines, the term volume is meant to express the number of years a publication has been circulated. It is some form of that, which I have bastardized in my usage here in order to get two points across. The first being that Kaplowitz Media. was established in 2015 and is not the boredom project of someone's lengthy stay at home. The second (more low-key of the two) is that I'm doubling-down on written word lingo in regards to content. 

I apparently have decided to count the end of my yearly scheduled hiatus from KM as the beginning of the calendar, as pertains to 'round these parts. This is all to say that Kaplowitz Media. is flipping back on the lights, as announced, on March the 1. I realize at this time 'Media' is even more of a stretch than ever it was, and it always was the stretchiest, but oh well. There is still an audio/video extension, just not ::: very ::: present here proper. (Also, there are no plans to expand said A/V.)
Live from the Throne Room is over at Instagram and the 1st & 15th Podcast is wherever you get that sort of thing.
What to expect then, in your (even) more textually-delivered content? Well, like every other year, this one will not deviate too greatly from the one prior. Small tweaks, mainly-mostly. The reviews, views, and interviews will continue. I suppose that third one will change some, as I'll be offering almost entirely written interviews*. What else? Perhaps a more literary tilt. Toasts were mentioned in a previous Hiatus Report. Maybe some light poetry. Perhaps some bawdy poetry. Definitely some deeper digging by way of continued monographs. 

& also some trifles. Some smaller more bite-sized posts will be published in Vol. 7. As far as topics: Tobacciana & Sherlockiana across-the-board. Plus, more focus on where the two bleed into one-another. Lastly, there is a decent shot you might find some flash fiction thrown into the mix, again, staying within the scope of those stated topics. Pastiche, parody: probable. It should be a romp of a fun go and I look forward to seeing what it will bring in terms of feedback. Just not enough-so to enable comments.

Something else of note is that while it had been the case that I didn't post on weekends and did post each day Monday-Friday, notice I just employed the past tense. I think things just might start dropping more haphazardly. More herky-jerky. Helter-skelter. Not less in amount, just less uniformed. Be sure to follow along any way you see fit including RSS subs (I have no idea how), and social media (@kaplowitzmedia) connecting. You'll also want to follow along somehow, to stay in the loop as to my projects not homed here, such as books and whatnot. 

See you in a hiccup.

This was edited from 'reviews' to its intended 'interviews (3/5)

::: very :::