Wednesday, January 5, 2022

DOUBLE FEATURE: Episodes of Live from the Throne Room and 1st & 15th

lo-fi & lovely

Live from the Throne Room 
A Stolen Thrones Cigars Program

Lee "The List" Marsh of Stolen Throne joins me as we go LIVE on Instagram to discuss year-end lists, stuff in 2022, and wardrobe malfunctions. You can watch it on-demand over at the Kaplowitz Media. Instagram thingy under its IGTV tab. You can really tell I had a heck of a nap before this one! 

Don't forget to follow Stolen Throne Cigars and Kaplowitz Media. Next stop Tennessee! (They have internet there now.)

Twitter & Instagram


1st & 15th Podcast 
no. 22 "Hence the Plaque."

Phil and I are back for another round and here's what he had to say about it: "Kap and Phil discuss calorie counting? Wow. They also relive the glory days of their athletic careers. Define "careers"...and "athletic". If you listen long enough, someone will be offended. Apparently, they missed the Holidays."

1st & 15th is available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Stitcher. (& probably more.) Search us up, rate, & review!

::: very :::