Wednesday, December 8, 2021

StillWell Star Navy No. 1056 by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Cigar Review

lo-fi & lovely

StillWell Star Navy No. 1056
by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Cigar Review

WRAPPER: Ecuadorian Habano
BINDER: San Andreas Negro
FILLER: Red & Golden Virginia, Oriental, Latakia, "black cigar leaf," undisclosed etc.

FORMAT: Toro (652)
ORIGIN: Joya de Nicaragua SA

Dessert spices | Smoked meats | Chocolate

Starts edgy but quickly smooths out. Like an emo kid coming off of puberty. A ::: very ::: nice look-see at VA 'baccys. Sweet bright light, much like myself. An evolving cushioning of that sort, a neat maturation into roasted oranges, milk chocolate fudge. Some condiment Oriental leaf drops orange-red spices, a baked dessert array. Latakia whispers via smoked meats two tents over in the woods. I think there's S'mores, too--but that's probably the San Andreas talking. The cigar, its 'black leaf,' feels like the anchor here.

All this, tethered (anchored) in compost and barnyard earthiness. Savory-sweetly-so. Dense insofar as all is stacked tightly, widely; a portly profile. Well-balanced, particularly when black pepper drops kindly into toasted grains in the 2/3. Nicely complex, neatly transitional. Buckwheat honey, blackstrap molasses. Dark sweets flesh out the middling grain. Boozy back-end on account of the 'naval rations.' Lip-smacking finish of bittersweet lingerings that end cleanly after a good while. Irish cream liqueur. Black coffee exit. 

The ash does show some clumps and airiness but does hold to an inch at a time on a tick of a ribbony line. Smokes cool & slow. The smoothest draw of all the StillWell line--the least damp. Perhaps since it was dry-boxed longest. To find out more about dry box, ask your wife <snicker>. Excellent smoke out-put provides a pleasant af aroma and surprisingly delicate room-note. Each kindly-sweet. Assemblage holds fast, me hearties. No loosening nor softening. Calm waters. Probably not the eye of the storm. I can't be expected to let my guard down.


A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59

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::: very :::