Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lane Limited Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco in Review

lo-fi & lovely

Lane Limited Captain Black Royal 
Pipe Tobacco in Review

CATEGORY: Aromatic
BLEND: Black Cavendish, Cavendish
FLAVORING: Liquor, Caramel, Molasses, Sugar, Vanilla

BLENDER: Lane Limited
CUT: Loose cut

PIPE: Old German Clay no. 15 (white)
INTENSITY: Mild-medium/Medium

Vanilla | Honey | Apricot
Light, sweet, and both well-appointed and presented. Perhaps a bit saccharine but its dainty structure never gets sappy. Bright grassiness is a high-up under-belly growing from golden earth. Then citrusy wildflowers atop that. Next, come the overt but still mainly in-balance primaries of vanilla extract with a honey accompaniment. A separate & dried apricot sidles in. Some lightly roasted pale nuttiness heres and theres.

Neither complex nor nuanced all that much, altho the latter is out-ahead of the former, highlighted in dusty rays of sunlight. Brunch at a breakfast nook on a chilly spring day. The mass-produced framed pastel artwork found in nursing homes &/or waiting rooms. The aroma is precisely what a non-smoker would understand as to be pipe-smelling. It's actually quite nice... a floral fruity sweetness with a woodsiness that misses the palate.

Smokes rather fast. Ashes form quickly and dance in the bowl. Not hot per se, but fast. Active. Seems like it might bite if you let it. I feel as though it requires more than a moderate amount of re-lights. Smoke out-put is goodly and dissipates in no time. As does the slightly sweet finish. This whole experience begins to feel transient to the extent of ephemeral. Then it 


A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59

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::: very :::