Friday, May 4, 2018

EXTRA EDITION Kaplowitz Media: LIVE on Location w/ Ernesto Perez Carrillo

Intrepid K/M field reporter and perennial No-Prize recipient, Mike Weinstein, got a few minutes to talk to E.P. Carrillo about his new Encore offering. This at an event in Summit New Jersey's Florez Tobacconist. That's right Gentlepersons we are bi-coastal. Which of course means we'll gladly have sex with both the left & right coasts. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Get used to it.

I'll shut up now. You listen now.

BIG thanks to both Mike & Ernesto for the time.

Report a typo, win a No-prize.
(Win 'nuff & I'll put you to work, apparently.)

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