654 Toro
Original write-up:
(redux) NOTES:
Overt bitterness dulls to sharpness then tanginess. Pin-hole tunneling and heated shaft abate in the mid's sweet-spot but top-leaf becomes laggy, mandating a pair a' re-touches. Comes outta that to end in burnt oat bitterness. Shoulder suffers at band-point. Leather, milk chocolate, nougat, car-a-mel, butterscotch, cedar, oak, and diner joe.
A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59
BINDER: IndonesianFILLER: Dominican
ORIGIN: William Ventura, Dominican Republic
NAME DROPS: Matt Booth, Robert Caldwell
Sample courtesy: Toar Campbell, www.CigarSmoke.net.