Friday, June 5, 2015

It's A Boy Cigar Brand Review

I thought I had smoked everything in cheap-o section of my local tobacconist's humidor. I had thought wrong. I grabbed an It's A Boy and headed to the It's A Counter, It's A Wallet loosely in hand. 

The Cigar:
It's A Boy - Churchill?

The cellophane wrapper is cheesy Americana iconography to we Brothers of the Leaf, no less than is a Bob's Big Boy statue to the zaftig. I was truly and duly sad to see it go.

Sadder, still, to see what was left behind. A rock hard cigar that seems to have been wrapped in brown paper grocery bag. It had the heady aroma of me not living up to my potential and trying to have a sense of humor about payday coming late. Actually, it had no aroma.

Nor taste.

Nor even smoke. Perhaps, I thought, it was designed to be smoked without detection in a hospital waiting room. I smoked it down through relights and fixed plugs. There was not so much as an honest chew. This has suddenly become not a review - but an indictment. 

If you are not a smoker, and find yourself in a cigar shoppe, speak to the clerk. He won't say "It's A Boy." If he does, punch him in his It's A Face. Seriously though, he'll have similarly priced options of far superior quality. Maybe think It's A Boy in the same way again as the Bob's Big Boy one eats the statue.