Monday, November 18, 2019

Notes on Notes "Nuance v. Complexity"

"Have you Kaplowitz'd to-day?"

"Complexity. Delineation. Nuance. Those three words are the interwoven topic of a future Notes on Notes, so we'll not delve much further here [NOW'S THE TIME!!! - editor]. Just for the record -- nuance can, in fact, be found in a thing laying "broad across the tongue." Just not complexities, & definitely not delineations. Nuance is the simplest of the trio, gained by a mere piling on of notes... even a singular one... until palate-entrenched deeply 'nuff to be seen from varying angles." (Me, Notes on Notes "Broad Across the Tongue")

More background? WATCH >>> Defining Complexities, Nuances, & Transitions in Cigars | Cigar Smoking 101 w/ Kaplowitz

[for a written transcript of this &/or other videos &/or podcasts from Kaplowitz Media, please learn to writereallyfast]

NUANCE: the depth, evolution, & development of a note or notes. The same note or notes, sans the entrenching mentioned in the written excerpt above, become one of two things... linear or fleeting. Linear is a straightforward & unchanging thing that breeds boredom or even tedium. Fleeting is a thing that just dissipates. Also, there is such a thing as an untethered flavor that simply flies away like a helium-filled balloon let loose at its string. Anything not those things is a thing of nuance (of varying levels).

Varying levels? Yes, of goodness. Goodness levels. Levels of deepness. Of the complexities inherent in its own self & other neighboring nuances (if mixed together). Much like transitions, nuance is not simply an inherently pleasant thing. How would you like to see charcoal or asphalt, as a tasting note, from many different angles? A cloying sweetness? My guess is about as much as you'd like seeing your chocolatey note transition into something like salty urine or spicy bile. 

So what then is --

COMPLEXITY(?): Nuance, firstly, is under the umbrella of complexity. Nuance is a way for a thing to be complex. A (one of many) WAY(s). As is the way a pair of nuances can see there underneaths intermingle (mentioned prior). Transition? Sure, that's complexity. having more than a tandem or-so of primary flavors? Now you're talking complexity. A bunch of varied undertones? Yup. Essentially, complexity is on a scale of anything more than nothing to a fucking cacophony, and all/any point 'tween. The 'tweens are preferred over the opposing ends of the spectrum. The fun is in the middle -- quite unlike American politics. 

A word on consistency. Many a consistent stick can be seen as lacking under the spotlight of review. (re: our scale --- barely more than nothing.) It is then of great import to get a sense of the craftsperson's intent. If it was/is to offer a smooth mellow EZ meditative affair, they've succeeded & must be graded as such. If their offering simply-sadly fell flat in trying at complexity, it must be graded as such, as well. How do we know? We learn about their portfolio. We also learn the characteristics of the ingredients employed in their recipe.

Speaking of portfolio, thanks for taking another look-see into & at mine, via this installment of "Notes on Notes." Till next time, meh.

PS: lol at reviewers rattling off a dozen flavors then deeming something shy of complex.

PPS: Delineations? Structure? Go read this:


For an index of these "Notes on Notes" entries, go HERE.

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::: very :::