Friday, September 13, 2024

Djeep Turbo Refillable Cigar Lighter in Review

Djeep Turbo Refillable Cigar Lighter in Review

I seem to be told quite often and by many people that they never, ever shop at Walmart. Which I find odd, because every time I do, the parking lot is fairly full. Someone goes there; a lot of someones. One of the more recent times I went there, I saw this Djeep at the checkout. I was tempted, but much more ready to be done and back home.

Then, my virtual herfing bud, CigarCraig, showed off his new purchase. His was the muted grey one. There was also maybe a greenish, blueish, and possibly more. I went back to Walmart post haste to procure my own (grey-ish). While there, I picked up several other disjointed and incongruent extras. It was a fevered dream of toilet paper, dog food, and shoe insoles. I recall mouthwash.

Upon returning home, the Djeep was nowhere to be found.

I was crestfallen. Indeed, my crest had been felled and I was utterly Djeepless. I toyed with the idea of purchasing another but that, to my math, would have made it a ten-ish dollar lighter instead of a five-ish dollar lighter. Plus, I have many other lighters already and more than plenty of toilet paper. So I pushed it far from my mind. In the interim, CigarCraig gave it a nice write-up on his ever-popular blog HERE.

Fast-forward a tick, and I was bagging my own groceries at the supermarket (much to my own disgust). When what did I find at the bottom of one bag? That's right... half a dozen old receipts. But at the bottom of another, I found the Djeep. O, happy days.

I used to prefer the old disposable Djeeps to Bics until I grew weary of what I saw as a decline in their quality and also of my own insistence on being different. They also seemed less and less readily available if memory serves. I relented to good sense and am now-since a Bic man. Nevertheless, I retain a soft spot for Djeep.

This Djeep is a very serviceable tool from a nice enough and recognizable brand. It's a single torch, which is my preference if torch I must. There's a cap attached to the thing by a chain which I immediately and purposefully broke off. Boom--single action lighter. No complaints whatsoever insofar as to how it performs. However, I remain a soft-flame fellow.

Would I buy it again? Well, I sorta answered that already. Will I continue to use it? At times, sure. Will it live to need refilled and will I then take the time out of my busy schedule to refill it? Only time will tell. I will hazard a guess that I'll mainly use it to (with something very-closely resembling surgical precision) re-touch errant burns.

In closing, I'll close in the nigh immortal words of CigarCraig, "That's all for today, until the next time."

::: very :::