Thursday, January 13, 2022

Live from the Throne Room | On the Road in Nashville

lo-fi & lovely

Live (on-demand) from the Throne Room
Kaplowitz Media. Presents
The Stolen Thrown Cigars Program
On the Road in Nashville 

[originally streamed live on IG 1/13/22]

[Set to stream at 5pm PST if you are reading this prior to then, get ready!]

To watch live, go to @kaplowitzmedia on Instagram. For on-demand replay at your leisure, click the IGTV tab. Also, don't forget to follow there and @stolenthronecigars.

SPECIAL EPISODE: The Stolen Throne crew is on the road in Nashville, Tennessee. Tune in and see what's up. Hint: Bourbon goes great with cigars. [edit Rye]

Live from the Throne Room. Streamed live twice a month on a pop-up schedule. From the pop-culture inane to the cigar industry sublime. Most times w/ myself & Lee Marsh, other times w/ all or part of the Stolen Throne Cigars crew.

[edits made after live show ended.] 

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::: very :::