Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Excerpt VII from the Kaplowitz Media. Unnamed Cigar Dictionary Project

lo-fi & lovely

Excerpt VII from the Kaplowitz Media. 
Unnamed Cigar Dictionary (UCD) Project

::: EXCERPT :::

Spanish Cedar The wood of choice in the cigar world. From cigar boxes to humidors to… did I say boxes? Interestingly enough, Spanish Cedar is neither Spanish nor cedar. It’s in the Mahogony family of woods and actually hails from the Jersey Shore. Not sure about that last factoid.

This is one of those funny Did You Know? type things that become so popularly retold that of course you know. That said, I'd be remiss in not including it. Also, NEVER use any type of true cedar in cigar storage. Cedar trunks are for Pendleton blankets.

Trunk Press A sharply-pressed cigar; more severely-so than a Box Press. See: Molds.

OK so Box Press = ( ) and Trunk Press = [ ]. See? 

Underfilled A cigar without enough guts. These badly-bunched smokes tend to burn hot and quick and feel, well, under-filled to the touch. I particularly notice this phenomenon in Box Press and more-so in Trunk Press offerings, most likely so that they ply into shape easier and with less resistance.


Molds Forms made of wood (now increasingly plastic) into which the Bunch is placed in order to cigar-shape it prior to applying its Wrapper. There is a process of rotating the cigars in these molds which you will be taught upon being hired at a factory.

Mold gets its own entry with the definition of "it's never plume/bloom." or something clever like that.

Box-Press Indicates a cigar of some flattened profile. Oval to slightly-squared-off in varying degrees. Traditional box-pressing gets this shape via cigars being tightly-packed into a box, closed with a simple flap-top. More exaggerated pressing up to Trunk Press is achieved with the use of wooden slats placed between cigars. Trunk pressing is what offers quite-sharp corners; box-pressing is more to much more gently-rounded. See also: Press.

Press A bit of cigar factory equipment that presses a cigar into shape in preparation for Molds. In smaller factories, presses are powered by hand crank, while in larger factories, pneumatics are employed. This is also used in making Trunk Press cigars–not to be confused with Box-press.

No _ is for ______ entry in this week's excerpt because I feel like what's here is enough. But it would have been F is for Flavor. That's already written and will super-likely make it into the book.

Also, not a lot of italicized side-thoughts this week because I've really just been cranking out entries and not thinking too far past or around them. We'll see what happens with next week's excerpt. I feel like the first step of just getting the entries complete is approaching its home stretch. That means more--well--something. I suppose step two would be assembling 26 of those _ is for ______ writings. Should be fun.

::: FONT GUIDE :::

Excerpt from the work-in-progress book (UCD).
My thoughts on the work-in-progress book (UCD).
Italics within definitions are recommendations to see that entry.


As you Gentlepersons hopefully know or are at the ::: very ::: least now FINALLY aware of under that rock of yours, I am constructing a Cigar Dictionary. A book. It is yet to have been named. Its working title is "Unnamed Cigar Dictionary" (UCD). I will change that "As soon as possible" (ASAP). Nevertheless, the idea of the whole thing, the game plan, is that I will blog the process of creating & assembling the UCD on a non-scheduled basis.

Included in these blog posts will be my italicized thoughts regarding said creating & assembling process--and as we get closer to it being a book proper, the process of that, as well. THESE WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE FINISHED BOOK. Please note that not everything, including the whole or part of definitions, will appear in the finished book.

To read other excerpts, search Unnamed Cigar Dictionary or UCD, in the Search Kaplowitz Media. field to the right of your screen.

I need you Gentlepersons to get excited about this and not be able to wait to purchase it--whenever it finally is completed and available for said purchasing. NO TIMEFRAME.

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::: very :::