Monday, November 22, 2021

Excerpt IV from the Kaplowitz Media. Unnamed Cigar Dictionary Project

lo-fi & lovely

Excerpt IV from the Kaplowitz Media. Unnamed Cigar Dictionary Project (UCD)

Jalapa Alongside Esteli and Condega, Jalapa is one-third of Nicaragua’s main growing regions, as well as being its most subtle tobacco insofar as flavor. Due to this inherent refinement, leaf from Jalapa is often used as wrapper. See both Esteli and Condega entries for more and somewhat repetitive information.

Condega One of the three major tobacco-growing regions of Nicaragua, the others being Esteli and Jalapa. Leaf from Condega tends to sit between the others stated, in the context of strength. Jalapa being the most subtle, and Esteli the brawniest. 

Ever get cigar sick? (Speaking of strong tobacco.) Take a spoonful of sugar or a pip of chocolate. It’ll set you right as rain by balancing out the sugars in your sugar system or something. NOT A DOCTOR.

So you see (as a reminder) the UCD will be more than simply a dry bit of reference material. There will also be helpful little tips, delightful little stores, and thought-provoking opinions. This is becoming a LOT of work.

Esteli In Northern Nicaragua there exists this black-soiled and sun-drenched growing region where the country’s strengthiest tobacco is grown. See: Condega (milder leaf) and Jalapa (milder still). Beyond the brawn of tobacco from Esteli, expect full flavors of nuanced spiced earthiness. The aroma is a special something, too. See also: Olfactory… not to be confused with “This ol’ factory rolls some great smokes!”

Do you know what I always get a kick out of seeing in books? Little maps. Perhaps I'll draw one myself for use in placing growing regions in the mind's eye of readers. Heck, maybe I'll just handle all the illustrations. A LOT of work. Yup. Gonna take some time before this is a completed project. THERE IS NO TIME FRAME. Enjoy these updates for now.

FUN FACT: there is no 'K' entry. Yet, anyway. 

Label The decorative bit of branding affixed to the underside of a cigar box lid. Also sometimes wrongly used as a synonym for cigar band. I mean, that usage is always wrong–I just don’t hear it all the time, hence the 'sometimes.'

::: FONT GUIDE :::

Excerpt from the work-in-progress book (UCD).
My thoughts on the work-in-progress book (UCD).

Italics within definitions are recommendations to see that entry.


As you Gentlepersons hopefully know or are at the ::: very ::: least now FINALLY aware of under that rock of yours, I am constructing a Cigar Dictionary. A book. It is yet to have been named. Its working title is "Unnamed Cigar Dictionary" (UCD). I will change that "As soon as possible" (ASAP). Nevertheless, the idea of the whole thing, the game plan, is that I will blog the process of creating & assembling the UCD on a non-scheduled basis.

Included in these blog posts will be my italicized thoughts regarding said creating & assembling process--and as we get closer to it being a book proper, the process of that, as well. THESE WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE FINISHED BOOK. Please note that not everything, including the whole or part of definitions, will appear in the finished book.

To read other excerpts, search Unnamed Cigar Dictionary or UCD, in the Search Kaplowitz Media. field to the right of your screen.  

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