Thursday, September 2, 2021

On the Sherlock Holmes, Card Games, & Cigar | Pipe Tobacco Pairing Series (& Future Others)

lo-fi & lovely

On the Sherlock Holmes, Card Games, & Cigar | Pipe Tobacco Pairing Series (& Future Others)


I've taken a brief look at specifically-named cardgames that appear in Sherlock Holmes canon. Each installment has included a bit of Sherlockian context, an overview of individual games, and finally, a recommendation as to premium tobacco (cigars & pipes) pairings. Below is a complete & linked index of the three (3) part weekly-released series...


Given that I enjoyed writing these & that they were well received, look for further doses of such varietal coming really super soon don't blink to Kaplowitz Media. What I most enjoyed here, other than the fun of adding to Sherlockian scholarly endeavorings, was that it gave me an opportunity to cover other subjects (card games) that while not tobacco-related--speak to the interests of those who imbibe. Hopefully.

That being said, and in a closer look as to what to look for--upcoming articles of this series of series will see its format used to include the topics of: Sports, Beverages (both adult & non-alcoholic), Food, and perhaps more. Perhaps! & that list was, to be clear, in no particular order. That's me, announcing 12 more articles tucked into four more serieses-(eses?). Astounding. It must feel to you like a great time to be alive.

Look for the latest in about 2 weeks.

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::: very :::