Monday, July 5, 2021

Eugen Sandow & Sandow Cigars: The World's First Celebrity Endorsement?

lo-fi & lovely

Eugen Sandow & Sandow Cigars: 
The World's First Celebrity Endorsement?

Eugen Sandow: Victorian Era Strongman, Johnny Appleseed of Physical Culture, Father of Professional Bodybuilding, and as part of history's first commercial motion picture--Paver of the Way to 'figures' such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, et al. Not to mention all-around naughty eye-candy, draped only in loin-cloth. As part of his after-show routine, Sandow would openly invite (for 300USD) both male and female fans alike to squeeze his Charmin back-stage. Perhaps even to squeeze his back-stage, back-stage.

As with any decent story doused in sexiness, his starts with a stint in the circus. European ones to be precise. He then hit big city London where fame and fortune became his upon defeating the then reigning Strongman champion whose name I cannot find no matter how hard I don't try. Backing up a tick, our person of concern was born Friedrich Wilhelm Müller in 1867 to a Prussian Jewish family-thus making this write-up eligible for inclusion in my short-lived long-ago "Jews in Tobacco" series*.

Suffice to say, he was a star celebrity, an icon of his day. Then came the time to tour America. It was a tour set to encompass 1894, much of the country, and kick-off in 1883's Chicago World Fair. Now we add another bit of ground-breaking to his resume. To build up fervor surrounding said tour--to put USA asses in USA seats--he became what is most likely the first celebrity to endorse a product via the lending of his name plus image. Sandow Cigars were born. "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar," was a then recent-ish and famous Vice President Marshall quip of a quote.

While no YouTube cigar reviews survive from that time to qualify Sandow Cigars as good; they were, yes indeedy, five cents. Better than that, for as far as Sandow was most likely concerned, the promotion was a smashing success. The extensive tour sold well if not out, at its every stop. Even Thomas Edison plays a role in this tale, as hinted to in "history's first commercial motion picture." No film remains of Sandow's Strongman feats therein those Edison Studios reels, but there are some pre-historic glimpses of pre-historic Bodybuilding to be seen.

Those familiar with recent events at Kaplowitz Media. might well be thinking about where/when the Sherlock Holmes connection happens. Funny you should feign interest. Picture it. London's Royal Albert Hall, 1901. Our man at hand Eugen, alongside Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (and Charles Lawes-Wittewronge, Athlete/Sculptor), organized the world's first major Bodybuilding event. With that thread tied, let's deduce with Sherlockian deduction, what it is we can as to the goodness of Sandow Cigars.

Truth be told, I have more Mycroft than Sherlock in me. The lazier of the two sibs. In light of that, I'm winding down here, Gentlepersons, and will be brief from this point forward. I'll impart a bit of cigar info, then wrap it up with some trademark wit. Just one more 'graph as they say in the writing game.

At that time, whether in Jolly Old Pip Pip Across the Pond or right here in the Good Ol' USofA, we're looking at Connecticut US leaf (the Shade stuff) of a British-inspired Cubanesque essence. Read: mild. No Nicaraguan Pepper-spice flavor bomb, these. The mustaches were already handle-bar'd--no need to twirl them up any further. I think I'd like them, those Sandow sticks. Affordable, mild, most likely a bit sweet, and with no small story to tell. Much like myself. Much like myself. 

*Don't look too hard for those. They're on my list to rewrite, repackage, republish.


::: very :::