Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Who What When Where Why w/ Moe ElAraby of Tatuaje Cigars & L’Atelier Imports

lo-fi & lovely

Who What When Where Why Interview 
w/ Moe ElAraby of Tatuaje Cigars & L’Atelier Imports

He's been the northeastern NY/NJ sales representative for both Tatuaje and L'Atelier Imports since 2015. But he's also more than that--he's one of the faces of the organization(s), and actually not far behind Pete Johnson himself, in that capacity. Moe's long struck me as a thoughtful sort, so I was a good bit excited when he obliged this quick interview, and maybe even a more in-depth one down the road. For now...


Who has mentored you and who have you mentored?

I think my biggest mentor was my father (although I was unaware of it at the time). I find myself saying and doing things as he did. My father was a highly respected, educated, and well-liked man. That's a hard combination to achieve. I strive to reach maybe two out of three at some level. As for me mentoring, I try to impart some of my experiences to friends and family. I hope they can take away something from my experiences.

What have you compromised and what won’t you compromise?

Time. I have not efficiently used time to my advantage. I wish I had that time back to use differently. Time. I know that I have less time in front of me than behind me so what and who I choose to spend my time with has greater meaning.

When is it a failure?

Failure is not trying. You'll never know unless you try. Get out of your comfort zone.

Where are you on your journey and where are you going?

Tough to answer. I am right where I need to be at this time. I am a bit of a fatalist. Everything happens for a reason. I will know when it's time to alter my path and it will be beyond my control.

Why do you succeed?

Success is a relative term. I am happy to work in an industry I love. I have met many people that I now call friends because of this industry. I'm still in relatively good health. These are my successes.

I suggest catching his Live videos when you can.


::: very :::