Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Kaplowitz Media. Cigars | Top Five Cigar Brands of the Year 2020

"Have you Kaplowitz'd this-year?"

Kaplowitz Media. Cigars | Top Five Cigar Brands of the Year 2020

1. Stolen Throne Cigars

2. Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust

3. HVC

4. Illusione Cigars

5. Espinosa Cigars

Every year a seemingly infinity-amount of Cigar of the Year lists are released. Look at this list, chrissakes: Kaplowitz Media. Cigar of the Year 2019-20

What seems to be taken into considerably lesser-account are brands writ large. Not just a singular shining star within their portfolio. Take this-then to be kinda just a rating/ranking of the brands which handled a difficult year in excellent fashion. Dig?

REMEMBER, the above-listed company names are links to where you may read my reviews of their offerings. Also, I can only rate/rank companies whom I've reviewed the cigars of in 2020. It's an important component, that. & finally, SEND $$$.

A happy 2021 to all.


::: very :::