Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Edgar Hoill OSOK (One Shot One Kill) San Andres in Review "Olfactory Singe"

“Have you Kaplowitz’d to-day?”

Edgar Hoill OSOK 
(One Shot One Kill) 
San Andres 2018

WRAPPER: San Andres Maduro
BINDER: San Andres
FILLER: San Andres

FORMAT: "Robusto" (5.5x54)
ORIGIN: Nueva Matacapan Tobacos SA, Mexico
INTENSITY: Medium-Full

WEBSITE: www.stogiebird.com
(find out more about the October 2020 lineup)

Earth | Coffee beans | Dark chocolate

Earth, bigly-so. Rest of the primaries can also be seen as simply part of that. Scorched earth, packed-down hard. Full city roasted coffee beans bitter, dark chocolate waxily sweeten. So bittersweet earthiness. Pretty straight-forward & on ahead on a line. Black peppercorn, less than gently. Abruptly even, thru the nose. Spices try clinging to sweetness, mainly sorta do. Cayenne & cumin.

Undertones are mainly masked by charcoal. Hints of wine cask, further nondescript spiciness. Smoky savoriness at the 1/2, a beef jerky gambit. Barnyard. Manure. Inelegant to the point of aggression. No true complexities and lacking in the depth of nuance you might expect from a heavy profile. Notes skip along the top, say. Put on tilt by burnt notes somewhat masquerading as pepper-spice. 

Burn-line needs a couple/few re-touches, never finds an even-keel. Draw is a tick hesitant, requiring double-triple puffs to satiate; makes for a fast-paced smoke. I'm reminded of a Bukowski bit where he describes the almost violent lively burn of a Mexican cigarette. Or did I just make that up? Tar accumulates even after purging. Seams hold, ash dumps dryly, packing seems a tad light, hollow. Olfactory singe.


A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59


::: very :::