Sunday, October 4, 2020

Kaplowitz Radio. EP196 "Shifting Change"

 "lo-fi & lovely"

A complete walk-thru review of the Kaplowitz Media. Cigar of the year process & results. Tom Meadowcroft from Meadowcroft wine drops by as does Trini Amador of Gracianna Wine. Also, a Kaplowitz Reads Kaplowitz segment & a quick review of an HVC Serie A Perlas. 

The best tasting podcast on the www today is Kaplowitz Radio. 
reviews/views & is available on:
& everywhere else brilliance is ignored.

Now here are some words I hope will trigger some search engines. You can stop reading now. thx Gratitude, creativity, best of list, cigars, wines, dramatic reading, review, reviews, Shakespeare, sonnets. sonnet, poetry, happiness index, day drinking, podcast, podcasts, divorce. 

::: very :::