Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Villiger Cigars Do Brasil Claro in Review

“Have you Kaplowitz’d to-day?”

Villiger Cigars 
Do Brasil Claro

WRAPPER: Brazilian
BINDER: Brazilian
FILLER: Brazilian

FORMAT: Robusto
ORIGIN: Villiger do Brasil, Brazil


Cream | White chocolate | Mineral. Always a tricky notation, mineral... here, it's a flinty/saline meandering I find pleasant but some may take it as not. Very classically candela, this profile -- a double claro of a claro for sure. Excellent creaminess bulges & staves the greenness off of lesser such offerings. Undertones are table sugar, cafe au lait, cardamom addition to pepper, and a dandelion floral note.

Underbelly is white dirt with a slight & pale terra cotta edge. Near excellent complexity & balance, slightly 'near' due to a forward saltiness. Still quite smooth & plushly-so. Sweetness rides high but on the +-side of saline, it's cleaner than cloying. Finish exhibits an interesting white tea attachment to primaries on surprisingly long legs.

Rolled quite firmly. Draws w/ a good bit of resistance but does satiate smoke-hole well. Ash grows slowly & stacks well -- thick, oily. Excellent smoke out-put but does require frequent puffs to stay so. Culminates in a room-note of salted sweet cream, carried by a slight & tantalizing suede. The wrapper suffers then burns cleanly thru a crackling at the end of 1/3. A tick lesser than care-free but well-worth the quite minimal fussing involved.

A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59

::: very :::