Friday, September 6, 2019

Beautiful Taiwan Tea Co. Raw Pu-erh 2009 Dayi | Review by Kaplowitz

“Have you Kaplowitz’d to-day?”

Beautiful Taiwan Tea Co.
Raw Pu-erh 2009 Dayi 
Blend #7542, Batch #902 (Taiwan Storage)

ORIGIN: Yunnan, China
TYPE: Pu-erh (raw)

FORMAT: Compressed
METHOD: Infuser



Rustic. Lusty. Uncluttered purposefulness. Clear, shy of crystal complexion. Quite a tea-colored tea. Aroma is a smoky raw sugar cane herbaceousness. This carries over to the caramelized sugar sip. The lushness there is braced by a sinewy pepper kick. 

Slurping adds cool noises & pulls a toasted cedar note out from the aforementioned kicker notes. Finish is earthen af & goodly fusty w/ nutty & apple-y attachments. Nicely balanced. Excellently nuanced. Delicate complexities simply ain't what this is about.

Astringent 'nuff & not at all bitter. Clean. Well-rounded smooth edges; even more so as the cup cools and leathery savoriness arrives. Yummy. Attainable yet far from rudimentary. An enjoyable entry to pu-erh. 

A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59
