Thursday, January 2, 2020

NerdFuel Coffee Tractor Beam in Review

“Have you Kaplowitz’d to-day?”

NerdFuel Coffee
Tractor Beam

ORIGIN: Central & South American, Indian
VARIETAL: C&C: Arabica, India: Robusta

PROCESS: undisclosed
ROAST: Medium-Dark
BREW METHOD: Pour-over


A high dusty bitterness w/ nigh zilch acidity. Like, could you be more Robusta? Grainy af. Dry earth. half-tick baggy & 3/4 tick rice starchy. Eyeballs sharply with cloudy depths. Dark. The nutty bouquet is there on the slurping too, alongside some dark chocolate shavings. A musty brightness sets in. I'm puzzling out acidity v. brightness. I'm sensing a high sharp note.

The cup cools into an ashy note sip which spreads on the back of a hardwood. A bit of black pepper slurps then. Whispered threats. A high octane & bitter brew in the sheep's clothing of muffled dust & earth. Finishes watery on the palate. The balance is OK. Complexities, what are there, are hectic. Nuance is there but at the same time lacking.

A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59

::: very :::