Tuesday, June 21, 2016

www.kaplowitz.xyz 2016 Presidential Endorsement


In a break from the norm of this, my small corner of the internet, I shall herein this post wax political. Not of cigars, not of boxing, not of horse racing. I daresay not at all in keeping with the homage du every jour of Shemp's last day

As a trusted media source, I would feel remiss in not endorsing a candidate in the upcoming presidential election. Perhaps I'd feel less so remiss if this particular upcoming presidential election were not of so very much more importance than others before it -- for America doth stand at a fork in the road. 

Like my namesake, Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, whom put down the plow or perhaps plough to play as saviour to the Roman Empire... I to shall do similar here and then after, similar yet again in picking back up said plow or perhaps plough. In the betwixt of putting down and picking up: I lend my and the entire www.kaplowitz.xyz thing to endorsing a candidate for President of these United States.

Oy, the lifting and the moving. 
I digress.

Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? I thought and I thought until I could thought no more. Then, at long last, thought neither. Bernie Sanders? No. Gary Johnson? Who? One name alone stood as the gentleperson worthy of my endorsement.

www.kaplowitz.xyz, long story shortened, is officially endorsing as a write-in candidate, President of The International Brotherhood of Teamsters James P. Hoffa. Below are some resources where you'll be able to find out more about this man. This will be an on-going topic of conversation. Most likely.

Lettuce make this happen, gentlepersons. HOFFA 2016.
